Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday's Work:

Began w/ Z-health - ankles, knees, hips, wrist & shoulder exercises

H2H C & P - 8 (14kg)
OA bent over row - 10L/10R (16's)

Dbl rack kickstand lunge - 8L/8R (16's)
-after 2nd set on left leg, switched from rack to suitcase
Dbl swing -10 (16's)

Straight Arm pullovers -6 (16kg)
Stability ball jack-knifes - 10

As the weeks have gone by (this is wk 3) I have been either able to go up in weight or add reps to the exercises w/o a problem and w/o getting sore the next day! I am slowly but surely making progress. I am starting to get a bit bored w/ the same old routine and will switch things up a day or 2 here and there starting next week. Yet still continue with the basic, push, pull, legs, butt, abs format.

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