Began w/ Z-health - ankles, knees, hips, wrist & shoulder exercises
H2H C & P - 8 (14kg)
OA bent over row - 10L/10R (16's)
Dbl rack kickstand lunge - 8L/8R (16's)
-after 2nd set on left leg, switched from rack to suitcase
Dbl swing -10 (16's)
Straight Arm pullovers -6 (16kg)
Stability ball jack-knifes - 10
As the weeks have gone by (this is wk 3) I have been either able to go up in weight or add reps to the exercises w/o a problem and w/o getting sore the next day! I am slowly but surely making progress. I am starting to get a bit bored w/ the same old routine and will switch things up a day or 2 here and there starting next week. Yet still continue with the basic, push, pull, legs, butt, abs format.
Are you timid? Cautious? Could you use some courage? Scripture says,
“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans
8:1). “...
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