Monday, January 12, 2009


Dbl C&P - 6 (12kg's)
Dbl bent over row - 6 (16kg's)

Dbl suitcase kickstand lunge x8L/8R(16kg's)
Dbl swing (16kg's)

Straight arm pullovers -8 (16kg)
Plank :45 sec

Rest :60 between rounds.................

Many of you will recognize this workout from Mike Mahler's Aggressive strength...I really like it. It's not easy and he has some nice variations to the standard drills.

I need to work on my pressing. That will be a goal for 2009 for me. In the early fall I was pressing the 16kg without trouble. Now, since I haven't been focusing on pressing much, I feel I am backsliding... the 14kg is sometimes turning into a push press. I think I need to get back to Z-health as a warm up and do more overhead walks.

Ok, I'm out..........time to eat and get ready for Jack Bauer to work his magic in 24 !!!!

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