Sunday, January 4, 2009

Training in the New Year!

Sunday Training:

Double KB C&P x6 (dbl 12kg's)
Double B Bent-over Row x6 (dbl 16kg's)
Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge x8L/8R (dbl 12kg's)
Double Swing x12 (dbl 12kg's)
Windmills x6L/6R (12kg up & 12kg down)
Straight arm pullovers x6 (16kg)

-Stretched out

Saturday's W/O:

5 min TGU's (alt L/R)

Followed by swing combination:
-5 LHS
-10 - 2HS
-5 RHS
Swings on the minute x 12

These were tough as there was not much time to rest before the GymBoss went off to start the next minute. I had to take advantage of resting at the top of my swing!

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