Thursday, February 12, 2009

WEDNESDAY workout (16kg)

Swings :20 work/:10 rest x8 rounds

Double clean :20 work/:10 rest x8 rounds

Squat & Press :20 work/ :10 rest x8 rounds

BU clean x5L/5R
Ab roll out (stability ball) x10
x2 rounds

TUESDAY workout

Military press 5L/5R (14kg)
Tactical lunge 10L/10R (16kg)
Snatches 10L/10R (16kg)
Double front squat x5 (16kg's)
2H Swing x20 (20kg)
x 4 rounds


Monday, February 9, 2009

AOS Providence DVD

I had not done this workout in a couple of months now. I had forgotten how quickly I work up a sweat with this. Great work-out tonight...loved it! Still with some right shoulder pain with presses.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Yogafit DVD


Push press 20kg - 6L/6R
Snatches - 16kg 10L/10R
Dbl Front squat - 16's - x6
Cleans x 6L/6R
OH backward Lunges - 16kg -x6L/6R
-rest 60 sec

Swings x 20 (20 kg)
-rest 30 sec

Both sets x 3 rounds


Z-health ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, neck and wrist exercises.

Dbl hang C&P - 10 (12kgs)
Renegade rows - 10L/10R (16 & 20kg)

Suitcase KB squat - 10 (16's)
Dbl KB clean - 10 (16's)

Side bend - 10L/10R (20kg)
Dbl over head walk 20 yards (12's)

50 Hindu squats

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to the Blog!

So I have been absent from posting my work out the last week. Training goes on but I have been using my extra time on FaceBook. Yes, I have become a FB addict. I am sure the novelty will wear off very soon. However, in the meantime it has been so amazing connecting with old friends and family. I say amazing b/c it happens so fast. It's been alot of fun learning what old friends are up to and what they have been doing. The sad thing in all of this..........all but one of my friends on FB have NEVER heard of KB's. I have been doing alot of quick explanations & tutorials on KB's this past week.