Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday's Work:

Began w/ Z-health - ankles, knees, hips, wrist & shoulder exercises

H2H C & P - 8 (14kg)
OA bent over row - 10L/10R (16's)

Dbl rack kickstand lunge - 8L/8R (16's)
-after 2nd set on left leg, switched from rack to suitcase
Dbl swing -10 (16's)

Straight Arm pullovers -6 (16kg)
Stability ball jack-knifes - 10

As the weeks have gone by (this is wk 3) I have been either able to go up in weight or add reps to the exercises w/o a problem and w/o getting sore the next day! I am slowly but surely making progress. I am starting to get a bit bored w/ the same old routine and will switch things up a day or 2 here and there starting next week. Yet still continue with the basic, push, pull, legs, butt, abs format.

TUESDAY Training..........

Z-health ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, neck and wrist exercises.

Dbl hang C&P - 8 (12kgs)
Renegade rows - 8L/8R (16 & 20kg)

Suitcase KB squat - 10 (16's)
Dbl KB clean - 10 (16's)

Side bend - 10L/10R (20kg)
Dbl over head walk 20 yards (12's)

50 Hindu squats

Monday, January 26, 2009

MONDAY Training

Z-health warm-up - ankles, knees, hips, shoulders & wrist

Dbl C&P - 8 (12kg's)
Dbl bent over row - 8 (16 & 20kg bell)
x 3

Dbl suitcase kickstand lunge x10L/10R(16kg's)
Dbl swing x10 (16kg's)
x 3

Straight arm pullovers - 8 (16kg)
Knee roll in's on a balance ball - 10
(not the right name, but from a push up position, w/ toes on the ball,
roll the ball in, pulling your knees to your elbows)
x 3

Rest :60 between rounds.................



Yogafit - 35 minutes


Day off

Friday, January 23, 2009

FRIDAY - end of week training

Z-drills for knees, hips & shoulders.

Dbl C&P - 6 (12kg's)
Dbl bent over row - 8 (16kg's)
x 3

Dbl suitcase kickstand lunge x8L/8R(16kg's)
Dbl swing (16kg's)
x 3

Straight arm pullovers - 8 (16kg)
Knee roll in's on a balance ball - 10

:60 sec rest between rounds

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Cranked up Hair Nation on Sirius and I was ready to work even though today was a light day. I threw some ballistics in at the end. Just b/c I have been missing snatches & swings.

Started with Z-drills.........knees, hips & shoulders.

Relaxed MP - 8 (14kg)
Alt bent over rows 8/8 (16kg's)

Dbl Clean and squat - 8 (16's)
(for some reason these were heavy today)
x 3 sets (1 min btw each set)

50 Hindu squats

-L swing, snatch, transfer R, swing, snatch R - x10
x 3 sets (1 min rest btw sets)

-L swing x5, snatch, transfer R, swing x5, snatch R - x6
x 3 sets (1 min btw sets)

This work out went by fast, but was alot of fun! Once my shoulder was warmed up, there was next to no twinges of pain.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WEDNESDAY - workout

H2H C & P - 7 (12kg)
OA bent over row - 8L/8R (16's)

Dbl rack kickstand lunge - 8L/8R (16's)
Dbl swing -10 (12's)

Straight Arm pullovers -6 (16kg)
On floor in a chest press position (2 bells up in a press-12's)
legs straight up, toes point to ceiling, drop legs to right side,
then back over to left (8L/8R total)**

**These were hard, if I didn't keep tension in my abs the bells
would try to pull me down the opposite way...
GREAT exercises!

Fig 8 w/hold 8L/8R
Slingshot 8L/8R

-Shoulder feeling pretty good tonight - no complaints!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

TUESDAY shoulder trouble......

Began with some Z-health hip, shoulder, neck and wrist exercises.

Dbl hang C&P - 6 (12kgs)
Renegade rows - 6L/6R (16's)

Suitcase KB squat - 10 (16's)
Dbl KB clean - 10 (16's)

Side bend - 8L/8R (16kg)
Dbl over head walk 20 yards

For the past 3 months my right shoulder has been giving me trouble. When it first started acting up I made sure I did Z-health shoulder drills before my work-out. As time went on, they kind of fell by the wayside, maybe I did them twice a week, nothing consistent. At first the Z would take care of the pain/ache, but not lately. I have seen my chiropractor for adjustments, which seems to do wonders for it. Then Sunday afternoon I began to feel like I had a pinched nerve running down the side of my neck & then down my shoulder. Yesterday after training, my entire neck ached. Today I feel better after training, but the ache is still there. Time to get adjusted again and to add Z-drills every day.



Dbl C&P - 6 (12kg's)
Dbl bent over row - 6 (16kg's)
x 3

Dbl suitcase kickstand lunge x8L/8R(16kg's)
Dbl swing (16kg's)
x 3

Straight arm pullovers - 8 (16kg)
Knee roll in's on a balance ball - 10
(not the right name, but from a push up position, w/ toes on the ball,
roll the ball in, pulling your knees to your elbows)
x 3

Rest :60 between rounds.................

Sunday - OFF Day

I finished painting the one accent wall in my living room.

Dumby me, I HAD to paint it red for a punch of color. The previous color was ivory. It would have really helped cut my time and paint in half, had I known to prime the wall with a GREY PRIMER! I don't know alot about painting, except using the roller and brush. . . (I do use painter's tape well though). It took 3 coats of paint on Saturday and 3 coats of paint on Sunday. I have to say it looks great and I am so glad it is done.


Yogafit DVD: 45 minutes

This is a great DVD. I like it for strength as well as the stretching effect it has. I seem to always do the strength workouts and find I miss the stretch and lengthening yoga used to give me. Stretching at the end of a workout just doesn't seem like enough for me. And God love Mike mahler, but there is just no way I can get an athletic massage every week or 2 like her reccomends! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday - light day

Relaxed dbl military press - 6 (12's)
Alt bent over rows - 6L/6R (one 16kg & one 20kg...switched sides with each round)

Double clean & front squat (16's)

50 Hindu squats

Light day, but I still broke a sweat by the time I was done!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday - Hump Day Workout

H2H C & P - 6 (12kg)
OA bent over row - 6L/6R (16's)

Dbl rack kickstand lunge - 8L/8R (16's)
Dbl swing -8 (12's)

Straight Arm pullovers -6 (16kg)
bird-dog - L arm/R leg :30 sec hold
bird-dog - R arm/ L leg :30 sec hold
plank :30 sec

Fig 8 w/hold 8L/8R
Slingshot 8L/8R

Stretch out..................

Today my right shoulder felt stronger and had less pain. I did warm up my shoulders, elbows & wrists with Z health today. Why can't I get it through my head that I HAVE to do this before every training session! ;p

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Training on Tuesday..............

Back to Mahler's Aggressive Strength

Dbl hang C&P - 6 (12kgs)
Renegade rows - 6L/6R (16's)

Suitcase KB squat - 10 (16's)
Dbl KB clean - 10 (16's)

Side bend - 8L/8R (16kg)
Dbl overhead walk w/12's - 3 circle's thru living room, dining room and kitchen

Monday, January 12, 2009


Dbl C&P - 6 (12kg's)
Dbl bent over row - 6 (16kg's)

Dbl suitcase kickstand lunge x8L/8R(16kg's)
Dbl swing (16kg's)

Straight arm pullovers -8 (16kg)
Plank :45 sec

Rest :60 between rounds.................

Many of you will recognize this workout from Mike Mahler's Aggressive strength...I really like it. It's not easy and he has some nice variations to the standard drills.

I need to work on my pressing. That will be a goal for 2009 for me. In the early fall I was pressing the 16kg without trouble. Now, since I haven't been focusing on pressing much, I feel I am backsliding... the 14kg is sometimes turning into a push press. I think I need to get back to Z-health as a warm up and do more overhead walks.

Ok, I'm out..........time to eat and get ready for Jack Bauer to work his magic in 24 !!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blizzard Workout !!! - Love it !!!

Today's training I got out of the way early. So unlike me on the weekend. During the week I train after I get home from work and weekend usually mid to late morning or early afternoon. But today I woke up and realized we had about a foot of snow on the ground and it was still falling!!! I LOVE it! More so because I don't have to be anywhere, I can stay home and not have to drive through it. The driveway was a much snow! I knew I would have to get out there and shovel it. We don't have a snow blower, my husband doesn't mind shoveling it.......he always says it's a good work-out and good excuse for hot chocolate afterwards. However, today is Saturday and since he works for a bank, he works until 1pm. So of course, that leaves me and my older daughter to clear the snow.

Luckily, we live in a neighborhood with the BEST neighbors! A couple of them have riding lawn mowers with plows on the front and they go down the street clearing the sidewalks, then they do driveways for people who need them done. So I had my coffee and watched them clear my driveway. So nice! All I had to do was the area closest to the garage. Simple!

So my training.............SIMPLE but not EASY !!!
I got this workout from my friend Kettlebell Amy. Thanks Amy!!!

Burpee to clean 5L/5R - 16kg
Swings 12 -16kg
Mt Climbers - 40
Pushups - 8
Snatches - 8L/8R - 16kg
x4 rounds (with a :45 sec rest btw rounds)

By the end of my 3rd round, I was sucking some serious wind. So I took :60 sec rest btw rounds. Mind you I worked out in my bedroom in front of my mirrored closet doors. I had both windows open and the ceiling fan going and it's 24 degrees outside! That was some good sweat!

And the snow continues to fall..................


Quick Yogafit work-out via DVD. Then off to my brother's new house to help him slap some paint on the walls, tear down wallpaper and God knows what else. We are do for an onslaught of snow today. I can't wait! I LOVE snow....but only when I can stay home and cozy in for the day/weekend (and NOT have to drive in it)! LOL!

My added cardio workout Saturyday will be shoveling snow after my KB training! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

THURSDAY - ballistics

Mixed up some ballistic drills for fun:

10 swings - L
10 swings -R
-repeat (rest :30 sec)

40-DARC swings
-rest :30 sec

10 swings - L
20 - 2H swings
10 swings -R
-rest :30 sec

10 - 2H swings
20 - DARC swings
10 - 2H swings
-rest :30 sec

Snatch/Swing ladder 1-5 then back down 5-1

5 snatches - L
10 DARC swings
5 snatches - R
10 DARC swings (repeat 4-1)
-rest 30 sec

1 snatch - L
10 DARC swings
1 snatch - R
10 DARC swings (repeat 2-5)
-rest 30 sec

Finished w/ Tracy Rif's Roundabouts w/a snatch

-R swing
-Trf to middle
-2H swing
-Trf left
-L swing
-L snatch
-Trf to middle
-2H swing
-Trf right
-R swing
-R snatch
x 12

Stretch and done.........

Looking at this work-out it looks like alot but in actual time it was only about 22 minutes or so. It went by really fast b/c I was always changing it up.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

TUESDAY Training........

14kg KB:
H2H C & P 6 L/ 6R
One arm bent row 6L/6R
x 3

Tactical walking lunges (alt L/R - 20 total) - 14kg
Double swings x10 (12kg's)

Plank :30 sec
Pull over & crunch x6 (12kg)
Double swings x10 (12kg's)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday's Groove

3 Rounds of the following circuit:

Renegade rows (5 per arm) - 16kg's
Double dead cleans - x5 - 12kg's
High pulls (5 per arm) - 16kg
Snatch (5 per arm) - 20kg
Double swings x 10 - 12kg's
(last 2 rounds went up to 16kg's)
Double front squats x5 (12kgs)
(I was afraid I wouldn't get up w/16's)!!!

Then for kicks:

Bottoms up cleans x10 R/L
Figure 8 to a hold x 10
x 2 rounds to eat........I'm starving! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Training in the New Year!

Sunday Training:

Double KB C&P x6 (dbl 12kg's)
Double B Bent-over Row x6 (dbl 16kg's)
Double Suitcase Kickstand Lunge x8L/8R (dbl 12kg's)
Double Swing x12 (dbl 12kg's)
Windmills x6L/6R (12kg up & 12kg down)
Straight arm pullovers x6 (16kg)

-Stretched out

Saturday's W/O:

5 min TGU's (alt L/R)

Followed by swing combination:
-5 LHS
-10 - 2HS
-5 RHS
Swings on the minute x 12

These were tough as there was not much time to rest before the GymBoss went off to start the next minute. I had to take advantage of resting at the top of my swing!