Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good & Bad nutrition choices.........

I have to say training is definitely my strongest GOOD choice these days.

When I eat meals I make great choices! I really do. My portions are controlled, I eat healthy, lean protein along with "good" wholesome carbs and always veggies!

When talking about BAD choices (REALLY BAD choices).......for me, that would be snacks & sweets!
Why is it that some days I can very adamantly say, "No thanks" and walk away or ignore sweets and other times I say, "2 please (or shamefully 9 please)?!" You'll know what I mean later in this post. Now granted this isn't an everyday occurrence, but when it does occur, I try to analyze why I do it. What made me make that choice at that time? I have considered what my mood was at the time of the binge. Most of the time I am not thirsty, not dehydrated, not really hungry, not in a bad mood, not lonely, not bored, etc, etc, etc. You know how the list goes on. The only way I can explain it is that maybe at times I zone out and have a break from reality! LOL! No, it's simpler than that. The goodies look good and I pick them up and pop them in the old pie hole. It's not rocket science. I do this without thinking. Period. That's it! Then a few minutes later I think, "What the hell did I just do?!?!"

Often it spirals from there. Take last night for instance, a classic spiral. I had finished my kb training for the day, ate a great dinner. 8pm rolls around and my 6 year old daughter comes home from her PSR class (parish school of religion) and is eating a Reese's PNB cup (everyone knows this is my ABSOLUTE favorite)! She comes into the family room and says "Here Mom, I can't finish this." Again, without thinking, I popped it in my mouth, without a second thought. Then I thought, "Well I'm ALREADY fell off the wagon eating that, so why not munch down a couple (2) candy corn pumpkins. Yes the ones loaded with high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrose, honey & artificial colors. This is where things get REALLY UGLY....
2 candy pumpkins turned into 5, then 9 (9 = 150 calories, never mind the sugar) & then 1 more for good measure to top out at 10. Then I had a few handfuls of candy corn and peanuts (this mix is amazing if you haven't tried it...salty, sweet, crunchy, chewy). Then I followed that up with a Rice Krispy treat, a glass of 1% milk and finally a Trader Joe's sweet and salty trail mix bar (hey, it was organic)! Now I know so many experts say you can eat "bad meals" 10% of the time and still be ok. But I can't help but feel guilty because I know I can make better choices for my body. It's a
good thing my training was already complete:

In thinking about my training plan in relationship to my injury, I have decided to stay with light bells for grinds. That way once I get back to using my left side, my right won't be too far ahead of it. My right side is dominant, though my form seems to consistently be better on my left.


C & P ladders 1-4 (R- side) - 12kg
1 Arm rows 1-4 (R- side) - 12kg

Squat ladder 1-5 (16kg racked R)
Reverse lunges 1-5 (1-R/1-L....16kg racked R)

Swings with 16kg
25 reps on/ rest 10 sec
Total of 8 minutes (approx 10 sets = 250 swings)


MKSchinabeck said...

MMMMMMMMMMMMM Candycorn! I have a real problem with it too. I always joke with my wife as I take a handful...."I can stop at anytime. I have complete control."

How's that cast smelling?

Renee Yorkievitz, RKC said...

Cast has a very unique smell (only near the palm area more week & goodbye cast). The smell is nothing like candy corn though! Glad to hear someone has control with it! :)

Great post about the pants - the WTH effect, right?