Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Beginning

Well this is it....here's where it begins. Since becoming an RKC, I decided it was finally time to bite the bullet, get down to business and finally start my much thought about blog. Of course I have tons of thoughts in my head but does anyone really want to hear them? And my days are jam packed with work, my husband and kids, managing a household, KB training and just keeping up with family and friends. I could go on and on for hours with excuses, but when it comes down to it, they mean nothing. Judging by the gazillion blogs that are out there....I know someone WILL stop by my blog to read a few and hopefully leave some comments or their own words of wisdom. All are appreciated.

My story............
I have been training with Kettlebell's for about a year. The past few months I had to kick it up a few notches to make sure I was ready to endure the RKC in September. I trained on my own at home a couple times a week as well as taking KB classes at BBOM - Better Bodies of Medina with RKC's: Amy & Bob Dudley & Darlene McCaffrey. You guys are awesome and your classes Rock! Words cannot describe the actual emotions one experiences when participating in the certification weekend. From anxiety, frustration to excitement & joy. And PAIN (well, ok pain is not actually an emotion, but we felt alot of it over the course of the weekend). Paul, one of the RKC's assisting that weekend said he could not believe that by the end of the first hour of instruction on Friday that we had done a total of 100 burpees as punishment for various mistakes! I remember it well! I suppose we started out as slow learners. But in the end, the feeling that you have the "Best of the Best" right there to learn from and to be able to absorb their outpouring of knowledge, is just amazing. I feel very fortunate to have found kettlebells and become a part of the RKC family! sigh!

Today's work-out went like this.........


Misc swings x 4 minutes

Work-out 1200 (with 12kg)

30 Double swing
30 Jump Rope
x3 (:45 rest between rounds)

30 Swing R
30 Swing L
30 DARC swings
30 Jump rope
x3 (:45 sec rest btw rounds)

30 High pulls R
30 Jump Rope
30 High pulls L
x3 (:45 sec rest btw rounds)

30 Double cleans
30 Jump Rope
30 Snatch R
30 Jump Rope
30 Snatch L
x3 (1 min sec rest btw rounds)

It worked out to actually 1260 reps. The last circuit I was losing steam so I increased the rest to 1 min btw sets and jumped rope r-e-a-l-l-y slow as recovery. My glutes and lats are already feeling it tonight.

Well, that's all for me! Until next time, be strong!


MKSchinabeck said...

Hey, I never was able to talk to you at the Cert. I am in Shaker Heights and have done some training in Medina prior to Doug leaving. My wife and I are avid kettlebellers and will likely make our way to some group classes at BBOM as the weather cools. Todd, myself, and Nate Black,RKC are trying to get this Cleveland Kettlebell Club off the ground. I think it might be fun to get together for free group workouts every once in a while and maybe try to bring in some RKC big wigs every once in a while. Check out my blog: www.northcoastkettlebells.blogspot.com


Iron Tamer said...

blog looks good!

Renee Yorkievitz, RKC said...


Small world isn't it? And an even smaller KB world. Doug is at the top! BBOM is the bomb! I looking forward to seeing you & your wife there! I haven't met Nate yet, but he lives near me. I have been in touch with Todd & he has me psyched about CKC! I'm in...I love the idea of having a club to pull local kettlebell lovers together...a great forum for the free workouts. We can learn so much by pooling our knowledge together and sharing! I can see it rolling out already. I will most certainly check out you blog. I finally put one together b/c of Dave Whitley's advice to me just yesterday. Great advice!! Thanks for the comments Matt!

Renee Yorkievitz, RKC said...


GREAT advice! I can't thank you enough. Stay tuned, there a great things ahead! Cleveland Kettlebell Club will rock the North Coast!